Saturday, March 19, 2005

It is not what you do it's who you fuck

It's been saying over and over in the literature that it's not what you do, it's what you are and what people THINK that you do.
Well, here is a little proof to that saying.
Presented here a quote fron an 1976 article:

"No matter how stimulating the conversation, after any longer than an hour of sitting still, X could barely contain himself. 'Can we just take a short break?' he'd blurt. Not waiting for a reply, he would then shoot to his feet and dart in another direction: sometimes to write a song or two, other times to dash off a painting. In one instance, he ended a session by asking for a random list of 20 items. I gave it to him. He studied the list for ten seconds, handed it back and recited it from memory. Backward and forward."

The interviewee?
David Bowie

I guess you don't have to make the statue of of Liberty disappear in order of impressing someone...